Sunday, June 08, 2008


In which I am an eco-weenie.

I had hopes of not putting in the AC window unit until, say, late July. But it's ho-ot. We sweltered yesterday, and gave in this morning. We both have too much work on our desks to lose another day to fanning ourselves lethargically on the porch. And fitful sleep.

The cat is hiding under the bed. I think I freaked her out with the cleaning of the air-conditioner, which involved her arch-nemesis, the vacuum cleaner. But, I also think she is pouting about the windows all being closed again, so soon. She was actually sitting in the sunniest window yesterday, in between the curtain we had pulled and the glass. Sorry, little one!

And, I'll probably drive to work again, most of the week. I *have* biked a few times without reporting it here, but not enough to merit any good eco-karma, really.

Do you think I can get some points for not flying anywhere this summer?



Anonymous said...

If said AC unit is the one I gave you you can be assured that it had a good EnergyStar rating back when I bought it... ?1997? What that means by todays standards? who knows...

Ursa said...

It is, and we bless you heartily on days like today! But I do think the standards have changed a bit (hope so, anyway!)

Ursa said...

I mean, we say: My, you're good-looking!

Unbalanced Reaction said...

Ah, yes...the evil vacuum. Is it sad that it is MY arch-nemesis, too? (darn allergies)

Ursa said...

UR- Sad? no. Inconvenient? yeah. Unless you need an excuse to hire cleaning help once you're all set up with a cushy TT position....