Sunday, December 02, 2007


Sitting here surfing, eating soft-boiled eggs and toast and drinking coffee. Four layers of clothes, snow bonnet, extra socks, blanket and kitty. It's finally snapped cold this weekend, but I'm feeling pretty cozy. I'm trying not to keep being a greedy American, cranking up the heat every time I start to feel chilled. Hence the polartec hat. Seems to work pretty well. Yesterday, I was hatless, but decided I would get up off the couch and clean something every time I got cold enough to wish for more heat. I got a lot done! Plus, there was sunshine! yay.

Soft-boiled eggs are comfort food for me, but not one I wish for often. My mom used to make them for me if I were home sick. But every now and then, I get a yen for them. Even so, I rarely make them, since I am very particular about what the 'right' degree of done is. And I usually get it wrong, so then it's more of a disappointment than a comfort. Today, LP decided hu wanted soft-boiled eggs, so it was a marginal risk to tag along, I guess. Now, hu said hu had figured out the perfect time/method for soft-boiled eggs. And I know hu likes them way more runny than I can stand. Basically, according to hum, the yolk must be completely liquid. For me, there should only be enough liquid yolk to barely coat the firm whites when you put it all in a little bowl and chop it up to eat with a spoon (which is The Best Way to eat a 'sick' egg). It's good if there is some yolk that is not hard, but not liquid either. So, I put my eggs in with hus (at boiling, which is not the way I learned, but as mentioned above, I stink at this, so why not go with the flow?) and left them 2 minutes longer. 2 'large' (but these were on the small side for large eggs...) eggs, in at boiling, for 6.25 minutes, then run under cold water enough to handle, peel, chop, salt and pepper, whole wheat toast, mmm.

I'm writing this down so I don't forget!

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